The Golden Girls Dilemma: How Inflation Affects Retirement Planning
Even though The Golden Girls ended more than 30 years ago, Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia remain some of the most famous...
Tax-Savvy Business Owners Hire Their Own Children
This article is for educational purposes and is not intended to provide legal advice. It is important to note that your individual...
The Difference Between Federal and State Trademark Registration
Have you recently started a business or launched a new creative endeavor? If so, you’ve likely found yourself wondering whether you...
What is Needed to Start Estate Planning in Texas?
Estate planning has been around for a long time. Archaeologists have found hieroglyphics dating back to 1770 BCE wherein two...
What is Trademark Infringement?
Do you want your brand to be as iconic as Tiffany blue or the “chung-chung” of Law and Order? Or how about Apple’s ever-evolving...
Pros and Cons of Irrevocable Trusts
If you’ve been researching your estate planning options, you’ve probably heard of irrevocable trusts—and you may have wondered if...