Is an Asset Protection Trust Right for You?
When it comes to protecting wealth, there are as many paths as there are reasons for seeking them—and different trusts serve...
Unprepared in Business: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
Starting a business is an exciting time—and by the time the launch date arrives, many entrepreneurs feel more than ready to get out...
Is Your Business Ready to Reopen? Post-Pandemic Legal Issues to Consider
Spring’s in the air, more people are getting vaccinated, and we’re all waiting for the moment when life returns to some version of...
Employee Contracts: What You Need to Know
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and you want to procrastinate on spring cleaning. Fair enough. You can ditch the broom—but...
Gratitude, Perspectives, and Next Steps: Reflections on a Crisis
My fellow entrepreneurs, 2020 and 2021 have most definitely tested our grit—from Covid to the Snowpocalypse! But we’re survivors,...
How Your Business Structure Affects Your Bankruptcy Filing Options
When the pandemic hit in the spring of 2020, it significantly rewrote national markets and the economy. Our lives changed seemingly...