
How to Choose a Trustee
When you establish a trust, you name someone to be the trustee. A trustee does what you do right now with your financial affairs -...

How Often Do You Update Your Estate Plan? More Often Than Your Resume?
A resume is a “snapshot” of your experience, skill set, and education which provides prospective employers insight into who you are...

Rewarding Your Employees By Giving Them the Business
Retiring from your business can a tough decision. To ensure that what you have built continues on, there needs to be a plan for...

Estate Planning For the Newly Married
Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan—because, as newlyweds, you may not have a list of your accounts, but...

How Does My Annuity Fit Into My Estate Plan?
Selecting the right type of annuity for yourself is no small feat. Of course, you’ve put in the research and planned with your...

Seeing an Estate Planner? Three Key Questions to Ask
Hiring an estate planner is an important decision as you are seeking advice on how to protect your loved ones once you are gone. For...