
Giving Thanks With Your Estate Plan
Estate planning covers more than just financial matters. Indeed, many use their estate plan to pass along their values as well as...

How to Share Family History and Heirlooms with Your Estate Plan
The best time to share your family history with loved ones is right now, before the memories are forgotten. The coming holiday...

Legal Considerations When Getting Your New College Student Ready to Go
If you are preparing to send your son or daughter off to college to pursue higher education, you may be wondering how their first...

How is a corporate trustee different?
In its simplest terms, a trust is a legal arrangement in which a trustee holds and manages assets for the benefit of one or more...

Can You Bequeath Your Frequent Flyer Miles?
If you’re a frequent airline traveler, one of your estate planning concerns may be what will happen to your accumulated miles once...

Warning: Don’t Let Creditors Inherit from You
Shocking to most people, the retirement account you leave for your spouse can be seized in a divorce, lawsuit, or bankruptcy. 3...