Passing Along a Benefit, Not a Burden: Why Incapacity Planning for Business Owners is an Indispensable Component of Your Plan
Most business owners have their estate planning prepared because they are worried about what will happen to their business after...
Stress Test Your Estate Plan
So, you’ve done the hard work of establishing an estate plan. That’s a great start. However, you still have serious work to do to...
The Biggest Threats to Successful Estate Planning
Poor estate planning is a recipe for disaster. Look no further than Dickens’ Bleak House—or a telenovela—to witness the tragedy and...
Is a Financial Plan Enough? Why Experts Say You Need an Estate Plan, Too
If you want to leave a robust financial legacy for your family, a financial plan alone is like trying to guide a boat with just one...
What Estate Planning Means for You
Estate planning is important for everyone regardless of wealth or family status because if you become incapacitated or pass away...
Your Fall “Legal Affairs” Checklist
With the fall season upon us, it’s an excellent time to review your affairs. Below is a checklist to ensure your planning meets your...