Spring’s in the air, more people are getting vaccinated, and we’re all waiting for the moment when...
Employee Contracts: What You Need to Know
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and you want to procrastinate on spring cleaning. Fair...
New Year, New You, Old Contracts? How to Keep Up with the Times
With the arrival of 2021, it’s time for business owners to make plans and goals as they embark on...
Come on, Vaccine: Getting Your Business Ready for the New Year
A new year and the start of vaccine distribution – 2021 has everyone excited, or at least...
Using the Force: Mediation Lessons from The Mandalorian
{{SPOILER ALERT!}} The Star Wars franchise series The Mandalorian returned to television late last...
Business Lease Negotiation During a Pandemic: Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Business leases. Even in a COVID-19 world, they’re a big piece of the real estate landscape for...
Four Incentives the SECURE Act Gives Small Business Owners
Please know that this is a repost from Wealth Counsel. You can find this blog on their site...
When Not All Your Kids Are In The Family Business
Owning your own business can be a great endeavor that takes a lot of passion and drive. Many small...
How to Create a Founders’ Agreement that Doesn’t Come Back to Bite You
You want to found a startup and think you have found the perfect cofounders. But before you go any...
Laying the Legal Groundwork for Your Texas Startup
When you are founding a startup here in San Antonio, you have hundreds if not thousands of balls...