An old saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail,” succinctly sums up the need for advance...
Family Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies: Common Mistakes to Avoid
Family-owned businesses are a pillar of American culture and enterprise. They produce billions of...
A Guide to Unraveling Foreign Inheritance with the Help of an Estate Planning and Tax Law Attorney
On the path of life, there are people who, like you, are committed to working hard to leave behind...
The Key to the Castle: An Illustrative Explanation of the Power of Appointment
Picture the imposing profiles of castles from the Middle Ages, fortified stone structures with...
Successful Succession: How To Create A Better Estate Plan Than Logan Roy’s
Succession is a wildly successful HBO drama about the Roy family, a group of dysfunctional...
How to File a Lady Bird Deed in Texas
The idiom “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” applies to lots of scenarios. Getting...
The Golden Girls Dilemma: How Inflation Affects Retirement Planning
Even though The Golden Girls ended more than 30 years ago, Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia...
What is Needed to Start Estate Planning in Texas?
Estate planning has been around for a long time. Archaeologists have found hieroglyphics dating...
Pros and Cons of Irrevocable Trusts
If you’ve been researching your estate planning options, you’ve probably heard of irrevocable...
10 Estate Planning Misconceptions Put to Rest
While estate planning is a relatively straightforward concept, many folks are unclear about what...