Estate planning is not one-size-fits-all, and one of the most common points of confusion I...
Common Misconceptions About Miller Trusts
In today's society, misconceptions abound. Consider the following: Twinkies don't actually have...
Five Common Misconceptions About Special Needs Trusts
Parents and caregivers of loved ones with special needs are used to having to plan ahead for,...
How to Set Up a Special Needs Trust for Your Loved One
As the parent or caregiver of a special needs child or adult, you aim to provide financial support...
Is an Asset Protection Trust Right for You?
When it comes to protecting wealth, there are as many paths as there are reasons for seeking...
3 Famous Pet Trust Cases and the Lessons We Can Learn from Them
Not long ago, pet trusts were thought of as little more than eccentric things that famous people...
Wills vs. Trusts: A Quick & Simple Reference Guide
Confused about the differences between wills and trusts? If so, you’re not alone. While it’s...
Finding the Right Fit: Questions For Prospective Wills and Trusts Attorneys
It goes without saying that estate planning is incredibly important and is more than just having a...
What do successor trustees and executors do?
Executor’s Duties An executor, sometimes called a personal representative, is the person who is...
How to Choose a Trustee
When you establish a trust, you name someone to be the trustee. A trustee does what you do right...