Why Not Just Go on NoloⓇ and Create Your Own Estate Planning Documents Cheaply?
There are many software programs, as well as websites, that sell do-it-yourself estate planning documents. These websites and form...
Finding the Right Fit: Questions For Prospective Wills and Trusts Attorneys
It goes without saying that estate planning is incredibly important and is more than just having a will or a trust. Estate planning...
What do successor trustees and executors do?
Executor’s Duties An executor, sometimes called a personal representative, is the person who is named in a will, appointed by the...
How to Choose a Trustee
When you establish a trust, you name someone to be the trustee. A trustee does what you do right now with your financial affairs -...
How Often Do You Update Your Estate Plan? More Often Than Your Resume?
A resume is a “snapshot” of your experience, skill set, and education which provides prospective employers insight into who you are...
Rewarding Your Employees By Giving Them the Business
Retiring from your business can a tough decision. To ensure that what you have built continues on, there needs to be a plan for...