Five Tasks: Year-End Estate Planning To-Do List
2019 is fast approaching. As we all prepare for the holidays and a new year, it is important that we wrap up any loose strings. ...
Five Tragic Mistakes People make when Leaving Assets to Their Pets
A pet trust is an excellent way to make sure your beloved pet will receive proper care after you pass on. The problem, of course, is...
Retirement Planning for Business Owners
For many employees, saving for retirement is usually a matter of simply participating in their employer’s 401(k) plan and perhaps...
Are Your Documents Following the Same Script? Basics of Beneficiary Forms and Estate Planning
In the event of your untimely death, the manner in which your beneficiaries -- or those people who receive your assets from your...
Can You Bequeath Your Frequent Flyer Miles?
If you’re a frequent airline traveler, one of your estate planning concerns may be what will happen to your accumulated miles once...
Do your parents have an estate plan?
If you find yourself in the “sandwich generation” (someone who is caring for both your children as well as your parents...