Even though The Golden Girls ended more than 30 years ago, Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia...
What is Needed to Start Estate Planning in Texas?
Estate planning has been around for a long time. Archaeologists have found hieroglyphics dating...
Pros and Cons of Irrevocable Trusts
If you’ve been researching your estate planning options, you’ve probably heard of irrevocable...
10 Estate Planning Misconceptions Put to Rest
While estate planning is a relatively straightforward concept, many folks are unclear about what...
5 Ways to Protect Your Real Estate Assets in Texas
With markets fluctuating and the future unknown, real estate asset protection has never been more...
A Guide to Estate Planning For Grandchildren
As a grandparent—or maybe soon-to-be grandparent—one of the great joys of life is reading stories...
Top Considerations When Selecting Guardianship for Your Child
There are a lot of cliches in children’s literature. Since before the Brothers Grimm wrote their...
How to Choose the Right Type of Estate Plan for You
Let’s start with the good news. A recent study found that, since the pandemic began in 2020, the...
Top Texas Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
The talented Heath Ledger, who remains the best actor ever to play the role of The Joker (at least...
7 Reasons Why You Should Create an Estate Plan
Sometimes estate planning takes place in plain sight. Take, for example, Jay-Z's song, "Legacy.”...