What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Managing Their S Corporation At the Law Offices of...
What a 67% Estate Tax Looks Like – and What to Do Before the Ball Drops
The incoming Biden administration has pledged to change Trump-era tax laws. And while we’ll have...
Estate Tax Increases: Protecting Your Slice of the Pie
The 2020 election changed the balance of power in Washington. Even with the specifics of the new...
Gift Giving the Tax-Free Way
Although it’s the season of giving, no one wants to share with the IRS. Luckily, the law provides...
Five Tasks: Year-End Estate Planning To-Do List
2019 is fast approaching. As we all prepare for the holidays and a new year, it is important that...
There’s Never A Better Time Than Now to Get Your Affairs in Order
The idea of getting your financial and legal house in order is likely the last thing on your mind...
Your 5 Task Year-End Estate Planning To-Do List
2019 is fast approaching. As we all prepare for the holidays and a new year, it is important that...
Strategies for Saving on 2018 Income Taxes
Now is the time to begin looking at ways to minimize your 2018 income tax bill. Everyone should...
4 Things to Do to Get Ready for Tax Season
With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017 (effective January 1, 2018), the...